Want the information from a post, but don’t have time to read it?

It’s time you learn about Text To Speach!

We all have busy lives, we have to multi-task to get everything done we need to. Not only that, sitting and having to read an article can be a bit much for some.

For me, my life is always GO GO GO. I take time out of my day to read, but that’s books I want to enjoy and be emersed.

News articles, blog posts, etc; I want the information, but I don’t need to be emersed in it.

That is when I found the text to speech option on my phone. It has been a game-changer. I can be washing the dishes, prepping dinner, cleaning, etc, and I can still gain the information from

All you have to do; is highlight the text you’d like to be spoken and click speak. An example can be seen below, click to view larger.

The text will be read to you! That’s right read to you. No more having to pile all your reading in the evening or while on the potty.

Want to sit at your computer, work on a design, and want to be read to you? The same can be done from a computer. See the example below.

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