You hired a housekeeper?

If you’re on TikTok and you’re a mom, chances are you’ve seen the mom — @cabernetsauvigmom — who asked TikTok “do you feel like you’d be a better mom if you hired a housekeeper”. If you haven’t I’ve added it below.

I’ve watched the video and several response questions, and it was 100% unanimous absolutely. Several moms stitched the videos stating it was the best decision they made. The housekeeper comes, and they go and do activities with their kids and family. It’s uninterrupted family time, and they come home to a clean home.

One mom went as far as to say we need to start stating how much help we receive as moms. That hit home to me, let me tell you why.

First, I’m a single mom of an 8-year-old. I work a full-time job — I’m privileged to work from home — that job pays all my bills. I work a part-time job that allows for fun activities and spending money. I work freelance jobs and run an Etsy shop also.

To make sure the house does not fall into disarray — we break up small chores throughout the week. Larger chores fall to the weekend. That means a lot of weekends are spoken for. We try and break it up within those two days, but we also have to do out of the home errands. Also, it’s not just me doing these chores; Zoie does several chores in this house to earn allowance money.

My home is not sparkling like so many houses on the internet or many of my acquaintances’ homes. My floors are vacuumed, the bathroom is cleaned, dishes are always put away, the kitchen is clean, and my home smells nice with all the Febreze plugins. However; my baseboards haven’t been cleaned in who knows how long, the walls have paint on them, I noticed the other week a soapy handprint on my bathroom mirror, and the list can go on.

A couple of months ago after Zoie and I had spent a large amount of our weekend cleaning the house someone came to our house and asked “why is your house always so dirty”?. Zoie & I just looked at each other in shock. I could see in her eyes, we spent all this time. I didn’t say anything, but Zoie and I were very upset. We talked about it later that night, and we agreed no one could come over. Zoie works hard at school and swim, and I work all week and weekend.

It’s just the two of us cleaning this home. I sit back and think about how many people have those super clean homes, and it’s because they have a housekeeper or help from family.

However, hiring a housekeeper is not financially an option for us right now or other moms. Yes, hiring a housekeeper would help my life SO MUCH, and yes, I’d 100% be a better mom. I’d have more time to spend with Zoie; we would be able to go to the park more, go to more events, and enjoy just being able to hang out instead of cleaning our house. But, it’s just not in the cards.

If you’re one of those moms who has a housekeeper or help — remember not everyone has that luxury. So please stop bragging about your clean house that you have help with; so we can stop beating ourselves up, feeling guilty, and even more like a failure as a parent.

Comment below, do you think a housekeeper would make you a better mom or dad?


The struggle between staying home and still feel like I need help?! stayathomemom housekeeper sahm momsoftiktok toddlermoms

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