Are you looking for an eco-friendly toothbrush for your toddler?

This is a great opportunity to try out ANPEIs ROARex Toothbrush.

The ROARex Toothbrush set comes with two dinosaur handle-shaped toothbrushes and a bear rinse cup.

The ROARex Toothbrush is vegan, biodegradable, compostable, and made from plant products.

This means once your little one has worn through their toothbrush it can be disposed of in your compost bin.

It’s great that the ROARex Toothbrush set is biodegradable and vegan — but how does it work? Zoie had the chance to try out the ROARex Toothbrush and cup; she was a fan. Zoie was able to easily remove the toothbrush cover add toothpaste and was able to clean her teeth thoroughly. The toothbrush was soft enough for her gums but rough enough to remove plaque. 

The cup was a great size to hold the amount of water to rinse her mouth out after brushing and after using mouthwash. The cup is easy to clean with warm soapy water to remove the toothpaste stains.

The ROARex Toothbrush set is great for toddlers who are switching from a baby toothbrush up to elementary school-age children who still like dinosaurs.

ROARex Toothbrush Links

ROARex Toothbrush Photos

** ANPEI  provided us with the ROARex Toothbrush Cup Set. We did not purchase the items in these photos, however, we have purchased more on our own.**