Are you looking for fun, useful, and cost-effective 3D printed gadgets?

You should try a small shop out of Royal Oak Michigan by the name of Ludicrous Creations.

We had a chance to try out several Ludicrous Creations products and they’re great gadgets for the home, as well as gifts for others.

The first gadget we had the chance to try out was the Mini Arcade Apple Watch Charge Station. The charging station looks like a classic arcade game with the clock being on display while charging. Setup was easy — the charge easily threaded through the groves on the bottom and back. Once the charger is threaded — the watch sits nicely in the slot in the arcade station. Post charging the watch easily lifts up and out of the arcade station. My favorite part was fun playing with the joystick — it does move all around.

The second gadget we had to try was the Webcam Projector. The Webcam Projector attaches to your laptop to project items or notes. We used the Webcam Projector to take photos of items with my MacBook camera and we even tried it with Zoie’s Chromebook. For us, it was just fun to play with to project and take screenshots of items. I can see this being a great product for teachers to project items to a class or when giving a presentation demo for a product.

The most useful product Ludicrous Creations creates is the Hand Sanitizer Holder! The Hand Sanitizer Holder clips into your car vent and holds a travel-size hand sanitizer. We’re always losing our hand sanitizer in the car; somehow it always ends up under the seat or in a bag back in the house. With this Hand Sanitizer Holder, we can use the hand sanitizer after the park, drive-thru interaction, post-shopping, or anytime because children are gross. This Hand Sanitizer Holder is a must-have for every car, especially for those who have children.

The Hand Sanitizer Holder might be the most useful, but the best product Ludicrous Creations creates is by far the Beer Holster. It’s no secret how much I love beer. However, sometimes I don’t feel like holding the beer when talking or standing around the fire. That’s where the Beer Holster comes in! I tried the Beer Holster attached to sweat pants, leggings, yoga pants, and jeans; all four perfectly fit the Beer Holster with no issues with spillage. I also didn’t have an issue with my pants being pulled down by the weight of the beer. The Beer Holster was a game-changer for me at our last fire, and I will have to say I look forward to ordering a couple more for this summer. I imagine the Beer Holster would also work great while walking — to hold a water bottle or maybe a beer, depending on where you’re walking.

We were impressed with the products created by Ludicrous Creations. The items are all durable, easy to clean, and easy to use. Also, I like that Ludicrous Creations has a variety of colors to choose from, many shops only have 1 or 2 colors to choose from. If you cannot find an item in the Ludicrous Creations shop you can make a suggestion. The creativity is endless.

In the end, I’d recommend Ludicrous Creations for yourself or as a gift for others.

Ludicrous Creations Photos

** Ludicrous Creations provided us with these items. We did not purchase the items in these photos, however, we have purchased more on our own.**