Chances are you’re working from home like 26% of America[1].

And you’re probably really sick of sitting at your desk — you probably want to stand around or possibly even walk?

We’ll you’re in luck; Crew & Axel has a bamboo Standing Desk that will fit perfectly with your work from home office.

The Crew & Axel standing desk works great for MacBook Pro on the top and a keyboard and mouse on the bottom. This is the setup I like to use when I’m writing blog posts, working during the day, or when I’m doing research for a new post.

Not only do I use my standing desk while working on my MacBook; I also use it while I’m watching TV so I can set my computer, remotes, and water bottle down.

The standing desk works while standing — it’s in the name — but it’s also great for when you’re using a walking treadmill. I like having the ability to move around while also working or watching tv with the bonus of having a place to set my items down. The standing desk adds the freedom of working from home.

The standing desk has two adjustable shelves. You can use one at a time or both as I do. Also, the smaller shelf does have a grove for you to place items like penspencils, or your phone. Not only are the shelves adjustable have a phone holder, but they also have groves for cords, so there is no need to tangle yourself up.

What is my favorite part about the standing desk? That it’s made out of bamboo. This means the standing desk is lightweight for ease of mobility, but it’s also easy to clean. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve already spilled my coffee, pudding, water, really anything you can name I’ve already spilled on it the standing desk. This means cleaning wipes glide right across with no issues.

In the end, I’d recommend buying the Crew & Axel standing desk to help with your productivity.

Crew & Axel Photos

** Crew & Axel provided us with the Standing Desk. We did not purchase the items in these photos, however, we have purchased more on our own.**

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