The post no one asked for, but what’s my skincare routine?

With winter half of my face is pink and ashy while the other half is oily. As I’ve gotten older the problem has only worsened.

Not only has my issue worsened, but now jogging/walking twice a day my face is dealing with sweat, and my forehead started getting pimples. Worst.

So how am I combating all of these issues? I started a new skincare routine that has worked for me.


So here is what I do with those products. Every evening in the shower — after I wash my hair — I use my silicone face scrubber and lightly scrub my face in a circular pattern. I do not use face cleaner or soap, note I also do this while the water is hitting my face for about 1-2 minutes.

After my shower, I pat my face dry with my towel, and I add my toner to my face rounds and apply the toner in a circular pattern on my face. I let the toner air dry, and that’s the last step for the evening.

In the morning post jogging/walking, I take another rinse shower, repeating the step with the silicon face scrubber and the toner. After the toner is dry I add a light layer of moisturizing lotion to my face.

There you have it — my skincare routine. In the spring and summer months, I’ll switch the face lotion to Yes To Cucumbers Soothing Sensitive Skin. This lotion is lighter than the CETAPHIL lotion, which is great for the winter.

I’ll also switch my toners between Humphrey’s and Thayers. This depends on which toner is on sale at the time. However, I always stick with an alcohol-free, because my face dries out immensely.

Note that I am not a dermatologist, take this advice with a grain of salt. If you are in need of medical advice for your skin please reach out to a dermatologist. Click here to find a dermatologist.