Periods can be the worst, but they don’t have to be uncomfortable and inconvenient.

Periods are a part of life either you receive a period or you know someone who has one each month. It’s not a topic that’s ever going to go away. So it’s time we talk a little more about the topic instead of just silently trying to open a wrapper in a stall hoping no one hears you.

Let’s talk about our options other than tampons and pads. How there are more cost-effective ways to handle our periods. Opening that stall door The Period Company they’re here to educate us and make us comfortable.

Pads, tampons, cups, and discs are not the only options out there. Period underwear is an option as well. The Period Company has a pair of underwear for every flow, body shape, occasion, and occasion.

Are you having a heavy flow and you have several errands to run? Try out The Period Companies Boxers or High Waisted underwear. At the end of your period and don’t want underwear lines? Try out The Period Company Thong; no leaks.

Worried about the cost? The Period Company makes its collection affordable for every household. Starting as low as $12 a pair for a number of their underwear! If you have an average of four days for your period with two changes a day; you would need eight pairs — if you’re not washing in between — that’s $96 to start. A reminder that The Period Company underwear is reusable; and can be washed and reused like regular underwear.

Now let’s compare that to pads/tampons. You change your pad/tampoon an average of 6 times a day; that would be 24 pads/tampons you use each period. A bag of pads and a box of tampons costs between $4-9.00, depending on the type you select. That would be between $96-216 being spent each year on period supplies.

Not only are pads/tampoons expensive; they also contain a large number of chemicals, which not only end up in your body but in a landfill. Reminder pads/tampons will often take a while to break down and are not often compostable.

Lastly, think they won’t have your size? They go from XS to 6X, that’s size 00 to 34 in pants! They make your size, a size for every body shape.

With the footprint of pads left on this Earth, I made the switch to reusable pads. Not only did switching help keep my footprint down, but it also helped me financially, and made a large impact on my body. However, I don’t always have the time to stop every two hours to run to the bathroom to change a pad. Not only that, when I am out I have to remember a wet bag and the extra reusable pads. It’s sometimes just not on my mind at the time.

A couple of months ago I had the opportunity to try a couple of The Period Company’s underwear. All I have to say is — I’ve purchased a couple more pairs, and I will not be going back to anything else. These underwear are comfortable, absorbent, and super easy to clean. I just throw them in the washer with my family cloth, throw them on a cold rinse, and then a wash. After they’re washed I throw them in the dryer and throw them back in the underwear drawer.

I think The Period Company underwear line is great for young people who are starting out their period, people who are always on the go, and really anyone who gets a period.

Also, if you’re about to have a baby, I highly recommend the Sleeper Period! They will be life-changing for you; they’re soft and absorb a lot.

In the end, I think you should give The Period Company a shot; at least two periods. If you don’t like the underwear they’ll give you your money back, no strings attached.

Oh, one last thing; if you use Rakuten you’ll receive 4% cashback on your Period Company purchases.

The Period Company Photos

** The Period Company provided me with this Period Underwear. We did not purchase the items in these photos, however, we have purchased more on our own.**

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