Today is Giving Tuesday; the day you give to an organization that does good in the community.

Today consider giving $10.00 to three different organizations or $30 to one organization that does good in your community.

Don’t know an organization to donate to? Think about a cause that is close to you and Google that with “organizations ner me”.

A great organization to donate to that helps local organizations — Feed America. Feed America donates funds and items to local food banks that are in need of items. You can also look up your local food bank through their Food Bank Finder.

Want to donate items instead of providing a monetary donation? Organizations have a wish list of items in which you can donate through Amazon. The items are shipped directly to their location and you can add a special note. There are hundreds of organizations with different causes to choose from.

This year we will be donating to The Children’s Home of Pittsburgh, Western Pennsylvania Diaper Bank, and The Pittsburgh Food Bank.

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