Are you reading this post because you came stumbled across it or because you’ve subscribed?

If it’s the latter, you’re in luck! Because subscribers are about to hit the jackpot!

Those who email subscribe to this AWESOME blog will be receiving monthly FREEBIES! You read that correctly — I’m going to start offering FREEBIES printouts, coupon codes, stickers, etc.

Even better, when I write a sponsored post for clients — all subscribers will receive a coupon code; they will no longer be in the blog post; however, emailed separately to those who subscribe.

All current email subscribers are to be on the lookout this afternoon for your first FREEBIE!

For those who have not subscribed now is your chance. You can signup below or go to

Note for monthly FREEBIES you must be subscribed by the 3rd Friday of the month. Because the following Tuesday the FREEBIES will be going out.

If anyone has any questions or concerns, please click the message button in the bottom right corner or email me at

I’m looking forward to writing more, providing FREEBIES, and much more.

P.S. Don’t forget to share with your friends.