A little introduction to Tiff & 10 recent photos.

Well from my homepage blurb & my about page you already know the basics about me. I’m a web developer, apple lover, Sherlockian, coffee enthusiast, INTP, beer lover, Whovian, social media addict, Fannibal, blogger, Mythical Beast, Slytherin, and a Mom.

But, I guess I can elaborate a little bit more on who Tiff is.

Well, I’m from central PA, a small town called McVeytown PA, with less than 500 people. I have my associate’s degree in Web Development and a bachelor’s degree in Web Design & Interactive Media, pretty boring stuff.

Due to the pandemic & having to homeschool a first grader I work from an office space in my room as the Director of Front End Development at Dealer Venom.

When I’m not working, homeschooling, or hanging out with my awesome first grader; I’m working on a freelance project, making items for my Etsy shop, scrolling social media, or reading.

Like every other 30something I collect stickers, pops, water bottles I don’t use and coffee mugs to drink more than just coffee. I also own a vast amount of graphic tees but wear the same six on repeat.

My personal library is full of books, the majority I haven’t read, don’t judge me! At any given time I’m currently reading three or four books because I feel the need to always start a new one before I finish another. Oh, and chances are the “book” I’m reading on my phone is a random Hannigram, Johnlock, and/or Mystrade… Super fandom nerd, I know, I guess you can judge me now.

All and all I’m a computer geek, fandom nerd, who collects things, likes to read, really likes coffee & beer, and enjoys nap time.

Have any questions, well shoot me a message.

10 Recent Photos

  1. I received A LOT of ginger in my Misfits box and decided to make Ginger Beer. It was really fun, and this stuff is powerful!
  2. My work from home space
  3. I decided to become an all year round tree person
  4. Selfie of me in my bathroom eating Arancini while drinking a vodka smoothie & beer
  5. Selfie with my new Dealer Venom jacket and probably drinking beer
  6. Zoie & I with making her first Radish Subscription Box
  7. Zoie & I with our giant snowball
  8. Zoie & I celebrating my 301/2 birthday
  9. Zoie & I random selfie
  10. Zoie & I random selfie

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