Who doesn’t love a nice hot bowl of tomato soup with a toasty grilled cheese?

Well, what happens when you run out of tomato soup, but you already started preparing your grilled cheese…?

This has happened to us on MANY occasions. There have been times we just eat grilled cheese and are saddened because we don’t have tomato soup.

This time we made Mythical Kitchen Beer Bread, and we REALLY wanted to have tomato soup with our Mythical Grilled Cheese!

I looked all through the kitchen cabinets looking for tomato soup, or even an idea and I found a number of jars of pasta sauce.

Side note, if you buy a case of an item from Whole Foods you receive a discount, so I buy pasta sauce by the case…

Back to it, I decided why not turn pasta sauce into tomato sauce, and guess what, we were not disappointed!




  1. Pour half of the jar of spaghetti sauce into the pot
  2. Now pour 1 cup of almond milk into the spaghetti jar, place lid on the jar and shake very well
  3. Pour contents into the pot
  4. Now pour the reaming 1 cup of almond milk into the pan
  5. Stir with the rubber spatula
  6. Place the lid on top, and place stover burner on medium
  7. Cook for 10, stirring occasionally
  8. Serve with a ladle and grilled cheese

Also, to add about this recipe it’s cheap! One jar of Roasted Garlic Pasta sauce is $1.99 (before the case discount) and a box of Almond Milk is $1.99, and you only use half the box. So that’s $2.99 for 4 servings of tomato soup instead of $4.49 for a box of tomato soup!

Don’t forget to add the fresh parmesan and cheese crackers on top!

What do you think, will you be trying this simple tomato soup recipe out?