This is an extremely stressful time for a lot of people around the world right now.

No matter if you’re an essential worker, a parent trying to homeschool, someone who just lost their job or juggling multiple jobs; we are all going through different stresses at the moment and we have to remember that.

Remember being there doesn’t mean giving money, it does help, but being that listening ear, providing a non-judgemental opinion and just listening really helps for so many. Talk therapy is so helpful, and even though you’re not a certified therapist, right now people just need to know someone is there. And above all else right now be kind, thoughtful, and helpful.

Lastly, provide yourself with some self-care every single day. It’s very important right now because this is a stressful time and you need to relax.

Self Care Ideas

  1. Binge-watch
  2. Read a book or two
    • Signup for your local library online, and check out e-books for free
  3. Listen to a book
  4. Take a bubble bath
  5. Meditate on a pillow
  6. Try relaxing yoga
  7. Make a bucket list
  8. Make your Summer Reading List
  9. Go for a walk
  10. Color
  11. Give yourself a pedicure or a manicure
  12. Make a mood board
  13. Take a nap
  14. Masturbate
  15. Make a self-care kit
  16. Have a stretching session
  17. Start an indoor garden
  18. Find a new hobby
  19. Stay off social media for a number hours
  20. Start a journal
  21. Make a craft

Send Care

  1. Support a small business
  2. Donate to your local food bank
  3. Send a small gift to a friend
  4. Send a self-care kit
  5. Send a thoughtful letters
  6. Mail a nice card
  7. Send texts to friends if they’re okay and ask if they need anything
  8. Download #YouMatter Card and shared on your social story
  9. Send them a meal: Grubhub, DoorDash, UberEats
  10. Make them a playlist: Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music

Important Numbers & Links

Lastly, please remember to wash your hands, stay inside and check your facts to stop the spread of false information & panic.