For the longest time I thought I hated brussel sprouts, turns out I just didn’t have them the right way.

All growing up my mother would  purchase frozen Brussel sprouts and either boiled them or smothered them in Velveeta cheese 🤢

For years I thought I just hated Brussel sprouts, turns out no. I just hate frozen vegetables, and especially vegetables smothered in fake cheese.

One of my favorite foods to now make is Brussel sprouts with bacon, the flavor, and crispiness of them! They make your house smell great and my goodness are they delicious.

Now enough about me let us get into the Brussel sprout with bacon recipe that I use.




  1. Pre-heat oven to 400
  2. Using your a knife & cutting board cut the Brussel sprouts into quarters and into the large bowl once cut
  3. Using your other knife & cutting board cut bacon into 1-inch pieces and into the large bowl once cut
  4. Pour your 1/4 cup of extra virgin olive oil over the cut Brussel sprouts & bacon
  5. Place the lid over the bowl & shake lightly to coat the mixture evenly
  6. Remove the lid, pour the contents onto the pizza stone
  7. Using your rubber spatula scrape the oil off the sides of the bowl
  8. Now using your rubber spatula even out the Brussel sprouts mixture so they are not on top of each other
  9. Once the oven has reached 400 place the pizza stone with contents into the oven
  10. Cook for 30 minutes, a reminder to set an alarm
  11. After 30 minutes remove the pizza stone with contents from the oven, remember to use your oven mitts
    • Note that I am not responsible if you burn yourself and/or if you do not use oven mitts
  12. Turn off your oven, and plate your Brussel sprouts and enjoy!

I like to server Brussel sprouts with Bacon with bratwurst, pork chops or sometimes we will eat them on their own.

We’ve even made this recipe without the bacon, but I’d recommend adding a dash of sea salt & cracked pepper for flavor. Let me know what you think of the recipe below!