I love this question because I love fictional characters!
Here are my top five favorite fictional characters, in no particular order!
Mycroft Holmes
Specifically, the Mark Gatiss portrayal of Mycroft Holmes from the show Sherlock BBC!
“All lives end, all hearts are broken. Caring is not an advantage, Sherlock”
10th & 14th Doctor
Doctor Who is one of my favorite shows — BAD WOLF — and though I love every Doctor, the 10th Doctor is my favorite. And if you know, you know… the 14th too!
“I’m burning up a sun just to say goodbye.”
Hannibal Lecter
Specifically, I’m talking about Mads Mikkelsen’s portrayal of Hannibal Lecter. Don’t get me wrong — I love Sir Anthony Hopkins in Silence of the Lambs! But Mads’ version wins out Sir Anthony’s for me.
Come on, who doesn’t love a good Hannibal and Will story, with a house full of dogs, all living their best lives together?
“If I saw you everyday forever, I would remember this time.”
Tom Riddle AKA Lord Voldemort
I often think we forget that Tom Riddle was once a scared boy who wasn’t given the tools he needed to grow into a healthy adult. He was intelligent, but people lied to him & treated him as second-class because he was a half-blood. What would you expect someone to do when everything was against them, and no one was on their side?
Dumbledore wasn’t on his side; he saw him as a threat. Instead of doing what an adult should — helping him — he alienated him & made him feel lesser. I don’t see Tom as a villain; I see him as someone society let down. There is good in everyone.
“I can make things move without touching them. I can make bad things happen to people that are mean to me. I can speak to snakes, too”
Did you guess all five? Comment below if you did—or didn’t! Also, who are your favorite characters?
Click here to see the other 29 days of my 30 Days of Favorites Challenge.