Let’s Celebrate the 5th Annual Birthday Toy Drive this Sunday — July 17th, 2022!

We have a lot to celebrate this year with 300+ toys donated — from all over the country!

So join us to celebrate this July 17th from 1-5 PM at The Stacks at 3 Crossings in The Strip District!

There will be live music, face painting, ice cream, beer, vendors, raffle prizes, and much more! So bring cash, card, or digital pay!

Are you worried about parking? The Hive is right across the street and is a flat rate of $5.00 all day!

If you did not have a chance to donate a toy, bring one to this event. We will continue to collect at this event. Reminder our Amazon link stays open all year. Here is a list of toys: amzn.to/3kH9rmv

Lastly, if you are interested in making a monetary donation to The Children’s Home — please click here.

To stay up-to-date please view our event page at Fb.me/e/2vdlEraDP

Here is a full list of our sponsors, entertainment & vendors!




Special Thank You’s