Happy Mother’s Day to all those awesome cat, dog, plant, and human moms out there doing their very best.

I hope you have the day that you truly want. From breakfast in bed, lunch out, or just a silent day without packing the to-go bag. For you enjoy your coffee actually hot or ice-cold for once.

Because behind every great cat, dog, plant, and child there is a mom who’s pretty sure she’s screwing them up. Pat yourself on the because as long as you’re trying, you’re doing great.

To the new moms who are still getting the ropes, those ropes are going to change every day. Enjoy the little moments between the chaos.

To those whose moms have long since passed, hug yourself and give yourself a little extra care today. You know your mom would want you to be happy today.

To those who don’t have a mom, because they broke off that toxic relationship, celebrate yourself today. Celebrate you were strong enough to walk away. Also, take a read this great article on Motherly: Mother’s Day without a mom is hard, but I don’t regret breaking up with my toxic mom.

Above all else make today a stress-free day to enjoy spring.