What does a day in the life of Tiff look like?

Weekends are a bit too sporadic to write the day in the life of, so let’s write about a weekday.

Also, check out a previous Day 8: Morning Routine to see how my mornings have changed since that post.

My weekdays start between 5:30 and 6:30 AM EST. I wake up and check my phone to see what emails, texts, and Slack messages came through. After, I’ll do a quick spin through social media to catch up on anything I missed from the previous night’s scroll.

Once I finish up I’ll catch up on reading for about 15-30 minutes, depending on my day and when I woke up. Before I get out of bed I’ll do a 10-15 minute meditation to get my brain into the correct space for the day.

I’ll stretch out and check on my bedroom plants make. A couple of them need daily care. Once those are taken care of I’ll make my bed and clean off my desk of anything that needs to go downstairs from the previous day. We have a hallway shelf where all those items go until I’m ready to head downstairs.

This is where I determine if I’m going to do a morning run or afternoon run. If I am going to do a morning run I throw on workout clothes and skip the morning skincare routine — except deodorant.

I head downstairs with all the items from upstairs that need to be brought down. Zoie is normally downstairs doing morning chores or watching TV. I start getting her lunch and breakfast together for today. I’m also toggling between making my first bottle of Bellway Fiber, cold brew, and filling up my water bottle for the day.

The dishwasher needs to be emptied from the night before, and the dishes from lunch and breakfast prep need to fill up the dishwasher.

By the time this is done I’ve finished my first Bellway Fiber and it’s time for us to head out the door to drop Zoie off at school. 

Once I get back home — I will grab my water bottle and cold brew and head upstairs for a morning jog. I’ll jog for about 30-40 minutes before I have to start work. While jogging I’ll be taking mental notes of everything I have to complete for the day. During cool down, I’ll walk and write down everything I need to complete for the day on my iPad. If I decided to skip the morning jog I will just write the notes down while at my desk or on the porch.

Then it’s time to start working my daytime job. During the day I work for a company called Pixelsmith as a developer.

Then it’s lunchtime. If I decided to take an afternoon jog this is when that would happen. I’d run for about 30-40 minutes while watching a YouTube video or listening to a podcast.  I’ll finish up here with a shower and then grab a quick snack, fill up my water bottle, and another bottle of Bellway Fiber.

If I had a morning jog — then my lunchtime is spent working on my blog calendar, writing posts, outlining my social media plans, or working on acquiring new companies to collab with or looking for freelance.

Once lunch is over it’s back to work until I have to pick Zoie up from school. I have a nice little break in the day to pick her up and then back at it until 5 PM.

Somewhere in the middle of the day, I’ll snag a quick 15-20 minute nap. Depending on how long I took with lunch, run, etc. A nap is good to help my brain keep going.

At the end of the workday, I’ll make a what I completed list and what needs to be completed the next day list. I then log off for a little bit. This is when we have evening activities. If it’s a swim lesson night or library activity night we head there, and I will spend that time catching up on writing blog posts or working on freelance projects. If we do not have evening activities we will hang out and find an activity to do together.

Then it’s dinner time. We have to make dinner and eat! One of my favorite times of the day. We’ll hang out, prepare meals together, talk about the day, and play a trivia game called I should have known that!. We’ll end the evening with a YouTube video or a tv show, and electronics are off at 8 PM EST. We then spend the next hour doing our evening chores — loading the dishwasher, vacuuming, and mopping the downstairs. Then it’s off for showers and putting that day’s laundry away.

It’s now around 9-9:30, and it’s off to bed for Zoie. I’ll spend the next 2.5 hours writing posts, working on freelance work, or answering emails. Then I’ll hop into bed around 11:30ish and reading until around 12:30. Then it’s lights out for me, and I’m off to bed to do it all over again the next day.

Have any recommendations on what I should add to my day?

Click here to see the other 29 days of my 30 Day Blog Challenge.

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