This is one of my biggest pet peeves!

I’m currently working on putting together my 5th Annual Birthday Toy Drive. If you don’t know, every year — sans the last two due to covid — I host a birthday toy drive. I collect toys from May 1st until mid-July, this year July 17th.

This year — with this being the 5th annual and wanting to add a little more fun to the event; I decided I wanted to do an in-person event celebration. On the last day of the toy drive, have a celebration; food trucks, vendors, face painting, etc. Everything to have a big fun event to celebrate the success of the toy drive!

So I’ve been reaching out to every small business, vendor, etc in the Pittsburgh and surrounding areas. Through Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and email, you name it. I want this to be a fun and engaging event.

Here is where I am getting VERY upset! People are not responding. The worst part, on social I can see you’ve read my message! Just respond and say NOT INTERESTED! If you are interested and you’re busy; respond by SAYING — “I saw this message, I don’t have time right now, but I will get back to you.”

Anything, seriously, just respond! I’ve reached out to 500+ businesses; about 10% have responded they are not interested, and 5% have stated that their business cannot, but they’ll donate or attend. Only around 3% have responded with interest, and I’ve sent over more information, or they’ve signed up. I’ve even had maybe 10-15 businesses state they are super busy, follow them in a couple of weeks.

However, the majority of businesses have just not responded. I feel as though this is unprofessional. As someone who freelances, and runs a small business, I have people in my inbox every day. A lot of the time I’m doing other tasks, I’ll star the email for a later time. If by day 3 I have not responded, I will follow up with hey I’m busy I’ll make sure to get back to you. I do not leave people on a limb, that is rude and unprofessional!

JUST RESPOND ALREADY! Say you’re busy or not interested! You are not going to hurt anyone, not responding hurts and annoys everyone!

Thank you for listening to my Tiff Talk.

Don’t worry more info on the 5th Annual Birthday Toy Drive will be released on May 1st!

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