Love reading my blog? Why not consider supporting it?
A blog can be a lot of work; coming up with ideas, researching, writing content, designing content, gathering photos, etc.
Not only that a lot of money goes into a blog; hosting, creative suite license, internet bill, and let’s not forget the coffee to stay focused.
Lastly, don’t forget to subscribe below 👇🏼
What Each Dollar Provides
- $1 High Five
- $5 Coffee
- $10 Lunch
- $15 Amazon Music
- $20 Dinner
- $30 Monthly Hosting Bill
- $50 Yearly Domain Bill
- $75 Month of Gas
- $90 Car Insurance
- $100 Monthly Internet Bill
- $250 Week of Groceries
- $300 Fill Snack Stand
- $700 Utilities
- $900 Rent
- $1,000 Happiness.
Besides donating, I also really appreciate likes & shares on blog posts! Those really help me keep going, and gets my blog out there to keep going.
So think about it, help support an awesome blog.