Cold Brew Coffee is one of my favorite drinks.

Great with breakfast, hot afternoon, or even just to sip on while sitting on my porch.

I do love a good cold brew from Starbucks or Dunkin, however it can hurt the wallet if you do it every day! Running between $2-4, depending on the time of day, and if you add milk or flavoring. If I drink a single cold brew every single work day that’s between $44-88 out of my pocket!

Instead of wasting between $44-88 a month I decided it was time to cut back and start making cold brew batches at home! I’ve tried many different techniques from using a single serve mesh coffee infuser to using my french press.

With multiple batches made, and recipes tried I’ve finally find the perfect recipe with the best equipment.



  • 2 1/2 Cups Coarse-Ground Coffee Beans
  • 4.25 Cups or 1 Litter of Filtered Water


  1. Place mesh insert into glass coffee container and set to the side
  2. Grind coffee beans in your coffee grinder until you have 2 1/2 cups of coarse-ground coffee beans
  3. Pour the coffee grounds into the mesh insert
  4. Pour the filtered water over the coffee grounds
  5. Place lid over the top of the coffee grinds
  6. Place the cold brew ice coffee maker in the fridge and steep for 24 hours
  7. Place the bamboo steamer overtop of your reusable to-go cup, secure with a rubber band
  8. Pour the cold brew over top of the bamboo steamer, once filed remove the bamboo steamer and place lid on top and go

I enjoy this cold brew recipe often, sometimes I like to try this with almond milk cubes or steep the brew with fresh vanilla beans!

Share your cold brew recipes below!