I really want to know how people literally have so much time to binge watch tv, have “Girls Night” or even just do “Me Time”?!

I have a wide range of friends, from people who have no kids, young kids, to college age kids, working parents, stay at home parents, and entrepreneurs. They all seem to have all this time on their hands.

I always find myself on the outside, like HOW?! How do you have this time to go to a concert on a Thursday night, or have a spa day by yourself?!

Even when I try to schedule the time to do “me time” or a “tv time” it never gets there. Something always comes up, or something needs to get done!

I’m not saying my life is hectic because it isn’t, it’s 100% scheduled and on the calendar. If my life wasn’t on a Google calendar, my life would be hectic, and I’d be a complete and utter disaster! Which is why I so much wonder HOW other people have anytime for ANYTHING?!

Monday – Friday I work from 8:30-5:30 pm, I live 30-40 minutes away from my work because it’s most definitely not in my price range to live close to work. Two days a week I leave early to pick-up my daughter, and on those two days, it’s an utter disaster, rushing home to make up that time leaving early.

After 5:30, I have between 1-2 meetings a week for my volunteer organization in person, after those or nights I don’t have those I have between 2 or 3 one-on-one calls for my volunteer organization. In between those calls, or on those calls trying to juggle my daughters homework, feeding her dinner, loads of laundry, and getting us ready for the next day. When it’s finally time for her to get ready for bed, I’m trying to catch up on emails, and then finally start working on freelance work. Put her to bed, and it continues to catch up on emails, finish up freelance work, start class work & work on volunteer work. By the time all that is usually done it’s 1 or 2 am, and I have to get up at 6 am to get ready for the next day.

If nights aren’t that easy, I’m attending events, which happen 5-6 times a month, and I don’t get home until 10-11pm, and I’m having to catch up on emails, freelance work and/or work on volunteer work. On top of that I’ll be starting another part-time job in the next couple of weeks, to bring in some extra income....

Weekdays are pretty full, and already planned out. Let’s not even get me started on weekends AT ALL! We have almost every SINGLE SATURDAY booked from now until August, no JOKE. It’s a birthday party or an event that is going on we need to attend. It’s gotten to the point people know we’re so booked they send me messages 3-4 months in advance to just save the date! Not only do we have events, we have swim lessons on Saturdays now! So that gets in the way, thankfully my daughters swim teacher is flexible and we can move the time around.

Oh did I mention she’s in dance classes on Tuesdays & Thursday, thankfully her dad takes her because I could never get her there! Oh and quick rant, WHY DOES EVERYTHING HAVE TO BE DURING THE DAY OR AT 4 PM ON A WEEKDAY?! Are there no working parents out there, because seriously it’s very stressful! Can we not schedule thing at 7 pm on a weekday or 8 am on a weekend?! Because seriously again, does no one have a job?! Another blog post!

Even on Sundays, it’s like oh okay weekend is over now let’s start prepping for the week. Crap forgot to study for this classes, oh wait my kid has a project this week due, or still has homework due, SHIT we forgot to actually wash pants, NO FORGOT TO GO TO THE GROCERY STORE. Which happens EVERY WEEK, for Amazon Prime Now, this house would never have groceries.

Oh and blog posts, I wrote those in bits and pieces, here and there. Which is why I don’t have too many post anymore. Sorry about that…..

Anyways it’s alway a GO-GO-GO day, and it’s always something going on. Which so many people are the same way, so I just want to know how does anyone have TV time, or “me time”?

Because when I even take a weekend day to just do nothing I’m 100% screwed. I fall behind on freelance work, my volunteer work gets behind, and I don’t sleep even more.

Everyone is ALWAYS so busy, and has a million things going on in their lives. Don’t say prioritize; I have a daily, weekly and monthly to-do list, I have a color-coded calendar and I follow along with 10 Tips To Be More Productive! So if anyone has anymore ideas, because obviously creating more time isn’t an option, i’m into sugguestions.