People often forget that after toy, food and/or clothing drive is over in during the holiday season that organizations are still in need.
After everyone donates toys to children in need & food to the hungry for Thanksgiving & Christmas, people often forget there is still the spring & summer.
Personally, these are the two season I love to donate, not only because of the low donation turn out, but for the different items that can be donated!
Remember, school is out of session during the summer, so a lot of children go hungry without school lunches. This is a great time to donate non-perishable kid-friendly foods like; applesauce packs, crackers, pasta, granola bars, dried fruit, etc. Also, don’t forget that summer means it’s hot! Donating toiletries for showers & personal hygiene are also high on the list!
Not only is food important to donate; but toys & clothing! This is a different season; in the winter a lot of people donated coats & indoor toys. This is a great season to donate shorts, tank tops, water tables, sports equipment, etc!
Remember, donations do not have to be expensive! Pick-up items when you see them on sale, shop Amazon deals & even shop Wish!
Lastly, don’t forget I keep both the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank & Children’s Home Toy/Clothing wish list open all year round! Both lists do go straight to their doors! Both lists are updated monthly and kept under $50 limit.
Please don’t forget to donate all year round! If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to me at Also, remember to be on the lookout from May-July for the annual Birthday Toy Drive benefiting the Children’s Home of Pittsburgh.