I never realized just how horrible they were! When planning to have a baby I didn’t think planning a party would be such a pain or a bunch of people say “Yea I’m definitely not coming”.
Winter kids seriously get the short end of the stick! My daughters birthday is January 7th, we are having more problems then anything to plan this party. It’s her first birthday, we’re having these issues and it’s only the first one!
I’m a summer baby, a back yard bash, renting a pool or even going to the park. There were always way to many people to have a dull house party. So we always rocked it outside. It seems like every place we call to have a party gives us a hard time. Firehall’s won’t allow food or cake unless purchased thru their catering companies. Restaurants want you to rent the room for a crazy price & pay for everyones food. Rec halls want minimum of $100 an hour!! It’s like seriously I understand you need this crazy money, but come on! I rented a fireball in york, it was 12 hours for $150, tables, chairs, kitchen was provided and I could use my own food!!
Then we are having the problem with attendance. We moved to Pittsburgh, none of or family & iffy friends live no where near here. We understand traveling if it snows is horrible, I understand that, we started asking people, even if it doesn’t snow people aren’t willing to come because it might snow!
Oh and my favorite, it’s to close to Christmas!! Apparently if we decided to have her birthday at the end of February or March there would be no problem! I’ve had friends and family who have birthdays around Christmas, it’s horrible! The Christmas party is also their birthday party, but they can’t invite friends because it’s a family Christmas party & there is no actual event for them. They receive on gift, that is both their Christmas and birthday gift! It’s like people’s birthday around Christmas, they are non existent and they don’t matter.
Birthdays are to be special, they are to celebrate the life and accomplishments of the person! You’re to be special for that one day, even though you share it with millions of others, but you’re still to be special to family and friends. Not tossed to the side because your birthdays around a holiday!
I understand we made the mistake, we should have thought before planning her. We do celebrate half birthdays. So it’s coming down to a small birthday in the winter & a bigger summer party. We’ll see how it goes, but it’s looking rough.