Looking for a new podcast to listen to on your commute? Check out this new podcast called Cover to Credits; talking about books & their movie adaptations. Cover to Credits does a bi-weekly podcast talking about a wide variety of genres in the book & movie industry.

So far on their show, they’ve talked about: Coraline, Fight Club, The Handmaid’s Tale & other notable books/movies.

They just released their recent podcast Scott Pilgrim vs. the World; which also has a giveaway! Listen to the podcast and click the link below for a chance to enter!

Remember; sharing is caring! Don’t forget to share this podcast with your friends

Giveaway: http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/f3b0b6651/
Podbean: https://covertocredits.podbean.com/
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/cover-to-credits/id1227990986