Seriously the most amazing beverage invented.  The nectar of the gods.

You always have to start the day with a nice hot cup of Joe.

It is one of those beverages that just about everyone drinks, but everyone prepares it in so many ways.  You can have flavored coffees, add milk, sugar, honey, etc.  We all have our own special way of drinking coffee.

I love a nice regular cup of black coffee, add some vanilla almond milk and I am okay for the morning.

It just makes your whole day much better.  If you had to get a cold shower, you were woken up early in the morning, MONDAYS, just that sip of that hot beverage just makes all your worries melt away.

So don’t forget to drink your nice hot cup of joe today and every morning to come.

Also, if you want to make someones day, don’t forget you can tweet someone a nice cup of Starbucks.  If you want to make my day you can always tweet me Starbucks @yourmomeatsmayo.