Today is James & I one year anniversary. What did that mean?

Well we didn’t really plan anything, we both had to work & maybe some food. That was about it, nothing big of anything fancy. I was wrong.

He picked me up from work & we decided we’d come home, get changed & grab some sushi.

We got home, I decided to change & then I sat on the couch started looking at the Valuebook to see if there were any coupons for sushi or a new place to try. Then James sat down next to me & told me to stop looking, I was like um okay?….

It’s kinda a blur, between pregnancy brain & crying. He asked me if I wanted to be with him & if I loved him & I said of course, I thought he was leaving & I asked him that!! He said no, then said I got you something. He pulled out this Tiffany Blue box (my favorite color by the way) with a nice white ribbon. I started crying & I opened the box, it was the infinity ring I hinted at 🙂

Between lots of tears & crying I said yes.

Oh and we did end up getting sushi at Sushi House to celebrate.

A day I’ll never forget.
